Refunds for tickets purchased through will be automatically made no later than one month after the scheduled start of the event. For tickets purchased at the Entrio point of sale, a refund request must be submitted via the website, not later than one month after the scheduled start of the event.
Please note, refunds for tickets purchased at the point of sale can no longer be obtained at the point of sale!
More about the event
Buy tickets for 3. Majevo 2024 - Grupa Vigor, Neda Ukraden, Drugo Dugme, DJ, 18.05.2024. - 19.05.2024. in Poslovni center Goja, Ptuj
🙌 predstavlja 3. MAJEVO 2023, zabava do jutranjih ur ne uide...
⭐ Nastopajoči
Grupa Vigor
Neda Ukraden
Drugo Dugme
DJ Dutie
🕰️ Kdaj: SOBOTA 18.05.2024
📍 Lokacija: PSC Goja - VELIKO PARKIRIŠČE, Rajšpova ulica 26, Ptuj
➡️ Začetek ob 20:00 uri
➡️ Konec ob 04:00 uri
➡️ Starostna omejitev
Dogodek lahko obiščejo tudi mladoletne osebe, z nakupom vstopnice pa starši oziroma skrbniki prevzamejo vso odgovornost.
Zakon o varstvu javnega reda in miru (ZJRM-1) v 21. členu zakon določa, da je med 00.00 in 05.00 osebam, mlajšim od 16 let, prepovedan vstop in zadrževanje brez spremstva staršev, rejnikov ali skrbnikov v gostinskih obratih in na prireditvah, kjer se točijo alkoholne pijače.
Prireditveni prostor: Špedicija Goja
Nastopajoči: M-error
Upravljanje socialnih omrežij:
Spletno gostovanje:
Produkcija: ApaudioLive Slovenia
What is the Booking fee?
The Boooking fee covers one part of the costs that Entrio, as a ticketing agency, incurs to process the transaction, issue the ticket and allow you to enjoy the event.
Entrio charges Booking fee for every ticket purchased, for all payment methods on the Internet and at points of sale, which covers, among other things, the cost of Entrio customer support, server system maintenance, administration and other costs associated with issuing the ticket .
Booking fee amount can sometimes depend on Entrio's commercial arrangements with the event Organizer.
Booking fee is non-refundable.
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