More about the event
Buy tickets for Mozaix x Publika/Steff Mendesidis, 04.10.2024. in Publika Bar Klub, Ljubljana
Pridružite se nam na premieri dogodka kolektiva Mozaix v Klubu Publika, kjer bo v okviru svoje turneje ob izidu albuma "Decima" (Klockworks // Athens) nastopil Stef Mendesidis Live premierno v Sloveniji!
Na odru se mu bodo pridružili Astwo, Brtinzz ter Glia, ustanovitelja kolektiva Mozaix, ki bodo nudili podporo Stefu na odru.
As summer turns into autumn, we invite you to join us in this metamorphosis.
Join us for the premiere event, where Stef Mendesidis will perform live as part of his 'Decima' album tour (Klockworks // Athens), marking his debut performance in Slovenia!
This collaborative event with Mozaix Collective and Publika is an open-air, day-to-night experience filled with dub-paced grooves and hypnotic atmospheres.
Meet us in front of Klub Publika on the 4th of October.
Full lineup:
Stef Mendesidis Live (Klockworks // Athens)
Early Bird - 13 €
Regular 1 - 15 €
Regular 2 - TBA
Door - /