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Buy tickets for 1D CLUB NIGHT: MIDNIGHT MEMORIES, 26.12.2024. - 27.12.2024. in Cvetličarna, Ljubljana
Dragi Directionerji!🌟 26.12. za vas prirejamo ultimativni klubski 1D večer, na katerem bomo proslavili vse, kar obožujemo pri One Direction – vse od Up All Night do Made in the A.M., pa do vseh neverjetnih solo uspešnic fantov, ki so sledile. 🎶✨
Pripravite se na ples, petje in kričanje ob naših najljubših skladbah kot so What Makes You Beautiful, Little Things, Night Changes, Steal My Girl ter nepozabnih solo skladbah, ki so nas držale naprej (Strip That Down, Watermelon Sugar, Pillowtalk, Slow Hands, Back To You in druge). Ta večer je posvečen glasbi, ki je oblikovala našo generacijo in nas še naprej združuje. 💙
Prav tako pa bomo poseben trenutek namenili Liamu, čigar talent in karizma bosta za vedno del družine One Direction. Spomnili se bomo vseh krasnih prigodb in skladb, ki bodo za vedno ostale z nami. 🕊️
Torej, zberi svojo ekipo Directionerjev, oblecite svoje najljubše 1D outfite in se pripravite na noč nostalgije, odlične glasbe in ljubezni do fantov, ki so za vedno spremenili naša življenja. 🌟
Calling all Directioners! 🌟 This December, we’re throwing the ultimate 1D Club Night to celebrate everything we love about One Direction—from Up All Night to Made in the A.M., and all the incredible solo hits that followed. 🎶✨
Get ready to dance, sing, and scream your hearts out to What Makes You Beautiful, Little Things, Night Changes, and Steal My Girl—plus, the unforgettable solo tracks that kept us going (Strip That Down, Watermelon Sugar, Pillowtalk, Slow Hands, Back To You and more!). This night is all about honoring the music that shaped a generation and continues to bring us together. 💙
We’ll also take a special moment to remember Liam, whose talent and spirit will forever be a part of the One Direction family. Let’s celebrate the joy, love, and memories he gave us while keeping the night fun, uplifting, and full of energy. 🕊️
So, grab your Directioner crew, put on your best 1D-inspired fits, and get ready for a night of nostalgia, bangers, and love for the boys who changed our lives forever. 🌟
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The Boooking fee covers one part of the costs that Entrio, as a ticketing agency, incurs to process the transaction, issue the ticket and allow you to enjoy the event.
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Booking fee amount can sometimes depend on Entrio's commercial arrangements with the event Organizer.
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